CBMM participates in Project Clean Stream
Through ShoreRivers’ coordination and as part of the Alliance for the Chesapeake Bay’s Project Clean Stream, the Chesapeake Bay Maritime Museum hosted a team of volunteers on Saturday, April 7, to clean up “Heron Haven”—a stream running through CBMM’s property, and feeding into St. Michaels Harbor and the Miles River. This is CBMM’s seventh year participating in the event, with the team collecting 13 bags of trash and five bags of recyclables.
CBMM’s Miles River waterfront campus includes several environmental features that help sustain the health of the Chesapeake Bay, including a living shoreline, rain gardens and swales, native plantings, and more. CBMM’s marina is also a Maryland-certified clean marina partner.
Every spring, tens of thousands of volunteers come together to pick up trash from local streams, creeks, rivers, parks, and neighborhoods as part of the Alliance for the Chesapeake Bay’s Project Clean Stream. Cleanups take place across the entire Chesapeake watershed, in all six Bay states and D.C. The largest cleanup event in the Chesapeake Bay region, Project Clean Stream in 2017 brought in approximately 2.5 million pounds of trash with more than 50,000 volunteers across thousands of cleanup sites.
For more information, visit cbmm.org <http://www.cbmm.org/> or allianceforthebay.org <http://www.allianceforthebay.org/>.