If you have information on any of the cases below you are asked to contact the Sheriff’s Office at (410) 758-0770 or email at sheriff-info@qac.org
DATE / TIME: 09/08/2013 @ 1433 Hours
LOCATION: 441 Outlet Center Drive, Queenstown
VICTIM: Sunglass Hut
NARRATIVE: Store employees reported that they were missing two pairs of sunglasses from the showroom, a pair of Prada sunglasses and a pair of Maui Jim Manu Brand. Review of security video shows a tanned white male wearing a white shirt and shorts was the last person to handle the items. The two pairs of sunglasses were valued at $580.
DEPUTY: Deputy Andrew Neall
CASE: 13-27268
INCIDENT: Domestic
DATE / TIME: 09/08/2013 @ 2121 Hours
LOCATION: Warwick Road, Chestertown (QA)
NARRATIVE: Deputies were dispatched to a residence on Warwick Road for a verbal domestic. On arrival they learned that the argument was between a boyfriend and girlfriend over a missing cell phone. After being unable to locate the cell phone, the male was given a ride to another residence. Alcohol was a factor in the call.
DEPUTY: Deputy Jennifer Aaron
ASSIST: Dfc. S. Fraser
CASE: 13-27294
INCIDENT: Medical Emergency
DATE / TIME: 09/09/2013 @ 0403 Hours
LOCATION: Brownsville near Centreville
VICTIM: Female (24) of Centreville
NARRATIVE: Deputies responded to the residence for a female off her medication and hallucinating and having conversations with persons not present. She was taken into custody and transported to Easton Memorial for treatment.
DEPUTY: Deputy Jennifer Aarons
ASSIST: Dfc. Stephen Fraser
CASE: 13-27308
DATE / TIME: 09/09/2013 @ 1120 Hours
LOCATION: 424 Outlet Center Drive, Queenstown
NARRATIVE: Store manager reported that a tall thin African American male was in the store acting suspicious. The manager also stated attention was drawn to the man because he was carrying an older style Old Navy bag. The man was seen placing a shirt and sweatshirt in the bag and then running from the store. He was seen leaving the shopping center in a white Honda. The stolen items were valued at $107.
DEPUTY: Deputy Chris Ahearn
CASE: 13-27335
INCIDENT: Motor Vehicle Theft
DATE / TIME: 09/09/2013 @ 1824 Hours
LOCATION: Dominion Lane, Chester
VICTIM: Daniel Smith of Chester
ARREST: Brad Russell Davenport (32) of Chester
NARRATIVE: Victim advised that Brad Davenport had stopped at his house, taken the keys to his car and left without his knowledge. Upon seeing his car, a 2003 black Honda Civic was missing he attempted to call Davenport’s cell phone. After taking the report, deputies checked several locations that Davenport may have been without success. On 9/10 the victim advised he had talked with Davenport who admitted to taking the car and that he had used to car to go to Baltimore and then left it at a marina in Annapolis. A warrant had been issued and early on 9/11 Davenport was spotted and fled on foot eventually located with K9 assistance hiding in a marsh.
Davenport refused to speak with the arresting deputies and withheld the location of the vehicle which has not been located.
Davenport was processed at Sheriff’s Headquarters and served an arrest warrant charging him with Rogue & Vagabond, Theft, Unlawful taking of M/V. He was also charged for resisting arrest, failure to obey lawful order and CDS Possession. A District Court Commissioner held Davenport on a $50,000 bail.
DEPUTY: Dfc. Michael Jordan
CASE: 13-27362
INCIDENT: Burglary
DATE / TIME: 09/10/2013 @ 0830 Hours (Reported)
LOCATION: Steamboat Avenue, Queenstown
VICTIM: Judy Thompson of Queenstown
NARRATIVE: Victim reported finding her rear door unsecured upon returning home from shopping on 9/3. She checked the house and did not see anything missing or out of order. On September 10th, she realized that jewelry was missing from jewelry boxes including six rings and a gold necklace. Items were valued at $2800.
A check of pawn shops and records resulted in locating two rings from the residence had been pawned on two separate dates.
Investigation remains open at this time.
DEPUTY: Dfc. Larry Steenken
ASSIST: Sheriff’s CIU
CASE: 13-27409
DATE / TIME: 09/10/2013 @ 1100 Hours
LOCATION: 600 Block of Hope Road, Centreville
VICTIM: Theodora Kramer of Centreville
NARRATIVE: Victim reported that sometime between September 6th to September 10th someone had used a rope or chain in an attempt to pull down a metal livestock gate. Damage to the gate was estimated at $200.
DEPUTY: Deputy Chris Ahearn
CASE: 13-27441
DATE / TIME: 09/10/2013 @ 1942 Hours
LOCATION: 4300 Block of Main Street, Grasonville
ARREST: Kevin Max Schneider (28) of Grasonville
CHARGE: DWI / Driving while Suspended & Revoked
NARRATIVE: Deputies in the area were advised of a reported off road vehicle being operated on the roadway. At Melvin avenue a subject was stopping while driving a custom built motor scooter. The subject advised he did not have a license and a MVA Check confirmed he was suspended and revoked.
The driver was identified as Kevin Schneider and it was noticed he had a strong odor of alcohol on his breath. Schneider advised he had been drinking but refused to attempt any field sobriety tasks. He was placed under arrest and charged with several DWI Charges and Driving while suspended and revoked. Schneider was originally held on a $2000 bail, which was later posted.
DEPUTY: Deputy Charles Harris
CASE: 13-27496
INCIDENT: Burglary
DATE / TIME: 09/12/2013 @ 1747 Hours (Reported)
LOCATION: 100 Block of Woodstock Road, Chestertown (QA)
VICTIM: Nicholas Z. Wright of Chestertown
NARRATIVE: Sometime between 1 PM and 5:30 PM on Thursday 9/12 unknown person(s) broke into a storage shed on Woodstock Road and removed a 1997 Kawasaki KX 80 motorcycle. The motorcycle is green / black / whiter in color with a black tank and a pro circuit seat. A photo of a similar bike is attached.
DEPUTY: Cpl. Chris Green
CASE: 13-27693
INCIDENT: Arson (Motor Vehicle)
DATE / TIME: 09/11/2013 @ 0727 Hours (Reported)
LOCATION: 13716 Main Street, Queen Anne
VICTIM: Atlantic Tractor
NARRATIVE: It was reported that upon an employee arriving to work found one of the companies trucks interior had been set on fire. The employee reported that the fire was smoldering and he was able to put it out with a hose. It was discovered that a second truck’s interior had also been set on fire and had died out on its own. No estimate on the damage.
DEPUTY: Deputy Steve Matthews
ASSIST: Office of the State Fiore Marshall
CASE: 13-27522
DATE / TIME: 09/11/2013 @ 0749 Hours
LOCATION: Tower Drive, Stevensville
VICTIM: Thomas Martin, Maria Nawrocki, Brian Purrington of Stevensville
NARRATIVE: Deputy responded to area for reports of mailboxes being damaged. None of the victims reported seeing or hearing anything. On victim did state being outside his residence past midnight and had not noticed any damage. Damages were estimated to be under $300.
DEPUTY: Deputy Nathaniel Burns
CASE: 13-27527
DATE / TIME: 09/11/2013 @ 1058 Hours
LOCATION: 200 Block of White Marsh Road, Centreville
VICTIM: Gordon Emory of Centreville
NARRATIVE: Victim reported all four center caps had been taken from his 1994 Lexus parked at his residence. The caps were valued between $150 – $200.
DEPUTY: Deputy Mitchell Jones
CASE: 13-27546
INCIDENT: Burglary
DATE / TIME: 09/11/2013 @ 1205 Hours (Reported)
LOCATION: 5000 Block of Main Street Grasonville
VICTIM: Leon Washington & Jessica Diaz of Grasonville
NARRATIVE: Victims reported unknown person had entered their home and took Ms. Diaz pink Kate Spade wallet with her identification cards, cash and Visa Debit card. The loss was estimated at $353.
DEPUTY: Deputy Steve Matthews
CASE: 13-27553
DATE / TIME: 09/12/2013 @ 0914 Hours (Reported)
LOCATION: 410 Benton Road, Stevensville
VICTIM: QA County Parks & Rec
NARRATIVE: County employee arriving for work reported finding a Caterpillar Excavator owned by the county had been vandalized. All windows in the excavator had been smashed. Damage was estimated at $3000.
DEPUTY: Deputy Jennifer Aaron
ASSIST: Dfc. S. Fraser
CASE: 13-27642
DATE / TIME: 09/12/2013 @ 1017 Hours (Reported)
LOCATION: 1000 College Circle, Wye Mills
NARRATIVE: Two students attending the Wye School at Chesapeake College reported their laptop computers being taken from their lockers. Both computers were Apple Mac Book Pro models valued at $1000 each. An IPod was also taken valued at $150.
DEPUTY: Deputy Steve Matthews
CASE: 13-27652
DATE / TIME: 09/12/2013 @ 1137 Hours (Reported)
LOCATION: 124 Wye Narrows Way, Queenstown
VICTIM: Wye Research Education Center
NARRATIVE: The IT Person at the Research Center reported missing several lap top computers from her office. On 8/26 she discovered one missing and subsequently did an inventory finding six Dell Latitude computers unaccounted for. The theft loss was estimated at $4200.
DEPUTY: Deputy Steve Matthews
CASE: 13-27655
INCIDENT: Theft / Burglary
DATE / TIME: 09/12/2013 @ 1337 Hours (Reported)
LOCATION: 100 Block of Wye Moor Court, Queenstown
VICTIM: Carol Martin of Washington DC
NARRATIVE: Family member of the victim reported unknown person(s) had entered a detached 4 car garage on the property and removed Stahl weed eaters, a Stahl backpack blower and a Craftsman roto-tiller. The items were valued at $2850.
DEPUTY: Deputy Steve Matthews
CASE: 13-27893
DATE / TIME: 09/12/2013 @ 2010 Hours
LOCATION: 501 Kent Manor Drive, Stevensville
VICTIM: Kent Manor Inn
NARRATIVE: Deputy responded to a vehicle stuck off the road. On arrival a black Ford Expedition was located in an area off recently leveled dirt and new sod. Driver (21 ) of Stevensville and two juvenile passengers stated they were exploring and got stuck. Grounds Keeper for the Inn estimated damage was $1000.
At the request of the grounds keeper no charges were filed. Arrangements had been made with the driver to repair all damages.
DEPUTY: Deputy Andrew Neall
CASE: 13-27705
DATE / TIME: 09/12/2013 @ 2344 Hours
LOCATION: Stevensville
VICTIM: Male (1) of Stevensville
SUSPECT: Male (14) of Stevensville
NARRATIVE: A Stevensville mother returning home walked in on her baby sitter who was naked from the waist down standing over her one year old child. The child was lying on the floor with his diaper pulled down around the child’s ankles. Upon seeing the mother return, the baby sitter fled to the bathroom and requested she bring him his pants and underwear. The child was taken to a nearby hospital as a precaution. The case is under investigation by the Sheriff’s Criminal Investigation Unit.
DEPUTY: Dfc. Seth Ambrose
ASSIST: Det. A. Vansant
CASE: 13-27719
DATE / TIME: 09/13/2013 @ 0935 Hours
LOCATION: 5000 Block of Sudlersville Road, Sudlersville
VICTIM: Calvin Embert of Sudlersville
NARRATIVE: Victim started his school bus run and went to use his 911 Radio and discovered that the microphone cord had been cut sometimes overnight. Damage was estimated at $150.
DEPUTY: Deputy Jeremy Gardner
CASE: 13-27756
INCIDENT: Burglary
DATE / TIME: 09/13/2013 @ 1037 Hours (Reported)
LOCATION: 100 Block of Monroe Manor Road, Stevensville
VICTIM: Ms. Shannon Tyron of Stevensville
NARRATIVE: Victim reported finding the locks to her shed had been cut. Nothing appeared to have been moved or taken. Victim advised the night before the locks were intact. It was also found that a neighbors locks on their shed had also been cut. Nothing appeared to have been taken there. Damages were estimated at $40.
DEPUTY: Deputy Charles Harris
CASE: 13-27766
INCIDENT: Burglary
DATE / TIME: 09/13/2013 @ 1058 Hours (Reported)
LOCATION: 2000 Block of 4H Park Road, Centreville
VICTIM: Lisa Adkins of Centreville
NARRATIVE: Victim reported finding an unsecured door to the residence and further check of the property showed a 30” television, an air compressor and some power tools to be missing. Items were valued at $900.
DEPUTY: Dfc. Michael Jordan
CASE: 13-27768
INCIDENT: County Ordinance Violation – ATV on Roadway
DATE / TIME: 09/13/2013 @ 1100 Hours
LOCATION: Double Creek Point Road, Chestertown (QA)
CITATION: Patrick Ryan Duffy (18) of Chestertown (QA)
CHARGE: ATV operated on Roadway
NARRATIVE: Deputy dispatched to area for an ATV being operated in a reckless manner on a roadway. A passing motorist stopped and advised a male was pushing the ATV further down the road and that the ATV had been driving recklessly and appeared to have been broken down. The driver dressed in full riding gear was located pushing the vehicle. A citation was issued to Patrick Duffy and the ATV was impounded by a local garage.
DEPUTY: Deputy Jeremy Gardner
CASE: 13-27770
DATE / TIME: 09/13/2013 @ 1311 Hours (Reported)
LOCATION: Sudlersville
VICTIM: Female (62) of Sudlersville
NARRATIVE: Victim reported checking her bank statement and there were several fraudulent charges of over $1175 on the statement from her debit card. The credit card company advised at least one of the charges was from a Western Union phone number in Missouri. At this time the victim is waiting to recover her funds from the company.
DEPUTY: Cpl. Sean Hampton
CASE: 13-27779
INCIDENT: Burglary
DATE / TIME: 09/13/2013 @ 1424 Hours (Reported)
LOCATION: St. Paul Road, Ingleside
VICTIM: Joseph H. Apple of Ingleside
NARRATIVE: Victim reported leaving his residence for a short time that afternoon and upon returning home noticed his garage door was partially open. A check inside showed a Stihl Chainsaw, Stihl hedge trimmer, a battery charger, several DeWalt and Craftsmen saws, a Poulan Chain saw, Drills, chargers and a Craftsman creeper to be missing. The items were valued at over $2000.
DEPUTY: Deputy Jeremy Gardner
CASE: 13-27790
DATE / TIME: 09/13/2013 @ 1841 Hours (Reported)
LOCATION: 800 Block of Dixon Drive, Stevensville
VICTIM: Timothy Forrest of Stevensville
NARRATIVE: Victim reported sometime between (/10 and 9/13 someone had stolen his 15HP Mercury outboard motor from his boat while it was parked next to his garage. A 3 Gallon gas tank was also taken. The motor and tank were valued at $2600.
DEPUTY: Deputy Kevin Parks
CASE: 13-27807
DATE / TIME: 09/13/2013 @ 2335 Hours
LOCATION: Wells Cove Road, Grasonville
ARREST: Kevin Bruce Engler (56) of Millersville
CHARGE: Unsafe Backing of MV, Negligent Driving / DWI
NARRATIVE: Deputies were getting ready to leave the parking lot on Wells Cove Road after responding there for an unrelated call. As they were leaving, a Saturn passenger vehicle was seen backing out of a space and into an unattended car. Deputies stopped the car at the location and while talking with the driver noticed an odor of alcoholic beverage. Driver stated he had a couple of beers earlier and was asked to attempt several field sobriety tasks. Based on his attempts, Engler was placed under arrest for DWI. After a breath test at MdTA Unit at the Bay Bridge he was released to family members.
DEPUTY: Deputy Kevin Parks
CASE: 13-27859