Keep our wildlife tangle free! You can now dispose of all used fishing line (not just monofilament) at the following locations in Queen Anne’s County:
- Cabin Creek Landing
- Centreville Wharf
- Chesapeake Heritage and Visitors Center
- Deep Landing
- Kent Narrows Landing
- Matapeake and Romancoke Piers
- Southeast Creek Landing
- Wells Cove Marina
Indoor recycling drop-off locations include:
- Centreville Outdoors
- Chesapeake Outdoors
- Island Tackle
- Kentmoor Marina
- Shore Tackle and Custom Rods
- West Marine
When fishing line is not disposed of properly it can kill osprey, ducks, geese, and other wildlife. It can cause damage to boat propellers and shafts and creates potentially dangerous litter.
Recycling your used fishing line can help protect wildlife, boats, and the environment.
The used fishing line will be picked up on a regular basis and returned to Berkley Fishing in Spirit Lake, Iowa. Berkley was among the first producers of monofilament over 60 years ago. Since 1990, their fishing line recycling program has kept over 9 million miles of fishing line out of landfills and the program continues to grow.
Receptacles are already available, and a kickoff event will be held at Wells Cove Marina on June 22 at 3:30 pm.
For more information visit qac.org and search for “Fishing Line Recycling Program” or visit plasticfreeqac.org