CENTREVILLE – Back by popular demand is the 17th Annual Queen Anne’s County Senior Summit on Friday May 17, from 9 a.m. to 2 p.m. at the QAC 4-H Park.
Admission is free as are the Ballroom Dance Demo, Blood Pressure Check, Classic Cars Display, Giveaways, Hearing Screening, Line Dance Demo, Scales & Tales Exhibit, a WCEI Radio Broadcast, and live music by Elvis tribute artist Bob Lougheed.
This annual event is hosted by Queen Anne’s County Department of Community Services/Area Agency on Aging in Celebration of Older Americans Month. Limited transportation is available for $3 from each of the county senior centers.
Coinciding with the Senior Summit is Spirit Week from May 13-17. Show your spirit during the week leading up to the Senior Summit.
- Monday is Americana Day, so show off your red, white and blue.
- Tuesday we celebrate Marti Gras and wear purple, green, gold and blue beads.
- Wednesday is Baseball Day so show off your favorite team.
- Thursday is PJ Party Day so wear your coziest pajamas.
- Friday is the 50’s Sock Hop – so dress like the 50’s and show us your dance moves.