Queen Anne’s County Arts Council May – July 2012 Events


May 5 and May 12: Adobe Lightroom for Organizing, Editing, Much More. Saturday, 9:00 to 4:30 p.m. Develop photo collection by understanding how to easily organize, edit, retrieve, display and print selected digital image files. Covers the use of Adobe “Lightroom” and focuses on operations and settings for Library and Develop modules. Register by 4/28, cost is $110, Centre for the Arts, 206 S. Commerce St, Centreville, MD. 410.758.2520. www.arts4u.info

May 9- May 30: Ballroom Dance Samba, Beginner Level 1, ages 14+, Wednesday, 7-7:50 p.m. Class taught by world class dancer and instructor Amanda Showell, www.dancingontheshore.com. Register by 4/4, $50 members/$55 non members, Centre for the Arts, 206 S. Commerce St., Centreville, MD. 410.758.2520. www.arts4u.info

May 9 – May 30: Ballroom Dance Argentine Tango, Level 3, ages 14+, Wednesday, 8-8:50 p.m. Prior experience necessary for advanced Level 3 Tango. Class taught by world class dancer and instructor Amanda Showell, www.dancingontheshore.com. Register by 4/4, $50 members/$55 non members, Centre for the Arts, 206 S. Commerce St., Centreville, MD. 410.758.2520. www.arts4u.info

May 12: Summer Kick-off, Luau Dance Party with world class dancer and instructor Amanda Showell. www.dancingontheshore.com. Early Bird Salsa lessons begin at 7:15 p.m. and dance party starts at 8:15 p.m. and runs until 10 p.m. $10 members/$12 non members, Centre for the Arts, 206 S. Commerce St., Centreville, MD. 410.758.2520. www.arts4u.info

May 18: STArt Reception featuring the work of middle school student artists, show runs through May 26. Students, Teachers, Artists program helps to augment arts education. 5:30 to 7 p.m. Centre for the Arts, 206 S. Commerce St., Centreville, MD. 410.758.2520. www.arts4u.info


June 2: Organizing Digital Photos. Saturday, 9 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. Learn to organize your volume of photos as well as store and search to retrieve reliably and make backups that will last. Interactive, problem solving class that will cover CD/DVD, hard drive and cloud storage. Register by 5/26, cost is $75, Centre for the Arts, 206 S. Commerce St., Centreville, MD. 410.758.2520. www.arts4u.info

June 4 – July 6: Bootcamp, Monday, Wednesday, Friday 5:30 to 6:30 a.m. Register by 5/29, $104/ new members, $80/ returning members. Centre for the Arts, 206 S. Commerce St., Centreville, MD. 410.758.2520. www.arts4u.info

June 14: Thursday in the Park Summer Concert, 7 p.m. Kent Island Yacht Club, Chester. Free to the public and donations welcome. For more information, contact Centre for the Arts, 206 S. Commerce St., Centreville, MD. 410.758.2520. www.arts4u.info

June 16: Art of the Deals. Community Day at the Courthouse Square in Centreville 9 a.m. to 2 p.m. For more information, contact Centre for the Arts, 206 S. Commerce St., Centreville, MD. 410.758.2520. www.arts4u.info

June 28: Thursday in the Park Summer Concert. 7 p.m. Millstream Park, Centreville. Free to the public and donations welcome. For more information, contact Centre for the Arts, 206 S. Commerce St., Centreville, MD. 410.758.2520. www.arts4u.info


July 12: Thursday in the Park Summer Concert. 7 p.m. Kent Island Yacht Club, Chester. Free to the public and donations welcome. For more information, contact Centre for the Arts, 206 S. Commerce St., Centreville, MD. 410.758.2520. www.arts4u.info

July 26: Thursday in the Park Summer Concert. 7 p.m. Kent Manor Inn, Stevensville. Free to the public and donations welcome. For more information, contact Centre for the Arts, 206 S. Commerce St., Centreville, MD. 410.758.2520. www.arts4u.info

The Queen Anne’s County Arts Council and Centre for the Arts is a non-profit organization committed to promoting, expanding and sustaining the arts. We receive support from the Maryland State Arts Council, corporate and private giving. Visit us on the web www.arts4u.info