Queen Anne’s County Garden Club Floral design Workshop

DSCN2710Queen Anne’s County Garden Club Floral design Workshop

Janet Doehler and Sue Hansen, who are members of the Queen Anne’s County Garden Club, lead a workshop on Wednesday, August 6, 2014 at the Centreville Library to demonstrate examples of the types of floral design classes that will be featured in the up-coming Standard Flower Show to be hosted by the Queen Anne’s County Garden Club from 1:00-4:00 pm on Wednesday, September 30, 2014 at St Paul’s Episcopal Church in Centreville, MD. Attendees to the workshop were guided through the requirements for each type of design to be included in the show along with expert tips for creating award winning designs in each class. Examples of what makes a good design were shared with the group by Ms. Doehler and Ms. Hansen and then everyone was given time to create their own designs with feedback from the workshop leaders and fellow participants.

  The flower show on September 30th,  which is entitled the “Things We Love”,  will feature floral designs and horticultural entries created by members of local garden clubs, as well as, amateur gardeners and floral designers from the area. Design categories for the show include traditional designs, creative designs, stretch designs, spatial thrust designs, reflective designs, underwater designs , Oriental designs and functional table designs. Entries in these classes and horticulture divisions will be judged by accredited judges from the National Garden Clubs, Inc. In addition to the floral and horticultural entries there will also be special exhibits created around themes related to the bay region and the 80 years that the Queen Anne’s Garden Club has been active in the community. For more information about the show, please contact Sue Hansen at shansen49@gmail.com.

   The Queen Anne’s County Garden Club is a member of the National Garden Clubs, Inc., the Central Atlantic Region Garden Clubs, Inc., and the Federated Garden Clubs of Maryland, Inc. For more information about the club and its varied activities in the community, contact Nancy Layfield at 410-827-5505 or email layfieldkeys@aol.com.

Photo: Sue Hansen, on the left and Janet Doehler with some of their designs shared at the workshop they presented on August 6, 2014