Sailing Classes This Summer at CBMM

Explore the Miles River and learn maritime skills in the Chesapeake Bay Maritime Museum’s (CBMM) summer sailing program, where new sailors and old salts gain the confidence to sail a small boat in a fun, safe, and encouraging environment.

Weekly classes are available now through August 15th for participants 8 years of age and older, and offer instruction for sailors at basic, intermediate and advanced sailing levels. The daily classes include limited classroom instruction and three hours of on-the-water experience. Participants learn sailing and teambuilding skills including water safety, rigging, boat handling and docking. The week ends with a family picnic and awards ceremony, where the students’ accomplishments are celebrated. Pre-registration is needed, with a museum member cost of $175, or $200 for non-members.

On the weekends, the Museum also offers adult and teen basic sailing classes using the Museum’s fleet of 15-foot boats. Hourly, private sailings lessons are also available by reservation. For class schedules, visit To register for any of the Museum’s sailing programs, please contact Helen Van Fleet at 410-745-2916.