St. Mark’s United Methodist Church in Easton recently welcomed new pastor, Ed Kuhling and his wife Linda. Most recently, Pastor Kuhling served for 10 years at Grace United Methodist Church in Millsboro, DE. Prior to that, he served at Wesley United Methodist Church in Seaford, DE, Woodside United Methodist Church in Woodside, DE, and Hartly United Methodist Church in Hartly, DE.
Pastor Kuhling, who was born in California, moved to Delaware where he attended school. He worked at Burris Logistic as a computer operator and later began a career in the landscaping business. While he heard God’s call in his twenties, he didn’t act on it until 1994 when he was assigned his first church. God revealed his plan for Pastor Kuhling’s life after the miraculous recovery of his son from a broken neck in 1993. It was then that Pastor Kuhling acted on the call and entered the ministry. He graduated from Wesley College in Dover, DE, with a bachelor’s degree in Psychology and Religion and then earned his master’s degree in Divinity from Wesley Theological Seminary in Washington, DC and was ordained in 2008. He authored a book, “YOU CAN Face Tomorrow” which was published in 2011.
In 2001, Pastor Kuhling had a Seminary Immersion experience in Nigeria which would change the course of his ministry, giving him a “healing ministry,” which he enjoys to this day. While living with a colony of Christians in the jungle setting of Nigeria, he contracted a severe case of malaria, even though he was given the necessary immunizations against it. As his wife Linda prepared for his funeral, a fellow minister prayed for his recovery and he survived.
“I feel that I was called here to St. Mark’s and that I was prepared by God to come here,” Pastor Kuhling comments. He hopes to teach about healing and spiritual warfare while in Easton and to get younger people involved in the church.”
Pastor Kuhling enjoys counseling, especially pre-marriage counseling for couples. He and his wife Linda, a Delaware native, have three grown children and six grandchildren. An outdoorsman, he plays tennis, kayaks, gardens and does photography.