Summer Art Classes at the Arts Council

image003The Centre for the Arts is now offering a wide variety of summer classes. Students can learn to draw, dance, paint, make jewelry, decorate cupcakes, get fit and much more this summer. Visual art classes include “drawing made easy”, drawing anime and chibi, painting birds in gouache and beginning watercolor techniques. Several classes will be held off-site at Wye River Designs where students can create a spirit house, messenger bag purse and steampunk jewelry. For musical interests, voice and music co-op classes are available. If their goal is fitness, students can participate in vibe, circuit pump, hapkido and dance classes.

Centre for the Arts classes are designed to renew existing artistic interests and develop new skills. Summer office hours at 206 South Commerce Street are Tuesday through Friday from 9 am to 1 pm and Saturday from 10 am to 2 pm. To register for classes or for information, call 410-758-2520 or visit for full class listings. The Centre receives support through a grant from the Maryland State Arts Council.

The Queen Anne’s County Arts Council, Inc., is a non-profit organization committed to promoting, expanding and sustaining the arts. We connect artists to audiences and the community to the arts. Visit us on the web at