Kitchen Science 101: Fun With Fermented Foods – Making Pickles, Kimchi & More. with Dawn Tull
Monday, 11/2 1:00 P-3:00 P Have you ever tasted 6 year old miso? Did you know that canned sauerkraut is dead while fermented sauerkraut is alive or that kimchi is eaten several times a day in Korea? We will look at the difference in cultured versus fermented foods and the time honored techniques used to make them. Most of you already have all the necessary tools in your kitchen to easily add these foods to your existing diet. Prepare and sample homemade live foods such as pickles, sauerkraut, salsa, kimchi, and yogurt. You will take home a jar of some delicious, homemade concoction and the recipe to make more. Just in time for holiday gift giving! Learn to prepare healthy foods in your own kitchen with your basic kitchen equipment and foods. For more information and registration details: Visit or contact the office at 410-819-3395
Reiki ART: Advanced Reiki Training with Dell St. Ana
Sunday, 11/3 10:30–4:30 P More tools for your Reiki practice! This one day, intensive includes the Usui Master symbol and attunement, how to use a Reiki grid, Japanese Reiki Techniques, Aura Clearing, a Reiki Moving Meditation and more. Prerequisite: Level II training. Please bring a bag lunch and your Reiki Level II certificate. For more information and registration details: Visit or contact the office at 410-819-3395
So You Want to Be a Journalist? with Leslie Orndoff
Wednesdays, 11/6-12/11 10:00A-11:00A 6 classes Learn the craft of human interest journalism from a working editor and craft your own pieces for possible publication. Through a weekly class with assignments and individual critique, you will learn the basics of putting together an interesting and informative piece for a wide readership. For more information and registration details: Visit or contact the office at 410-819-3395
REIKI SHARE First Wednesday 11/6 7:15P–9:15 P
Join us, ask questions! A Reiki Share is an opportunity for Reiki practitioners and the general public to come together to share information, experience and treatments. For more information and registration details: Visit or contact the office at 410-819-3395
Second Friday 11/ 8 6:00 P–8:00 P Meaningful Conversations for everyone. Breaking of bread and informal conversations about values, hopes, concerns, and the shape of the planet. Bring snacks and your choice of beverage. For more information and registration details: Visit or contact the office at 410-819-3395
Life Between Lives: Understanding our Immortality with Jimmy Quast
Sunday, November 10 at 2:00 P–4:00 P
Most of us are familiar with, or have at least heard of the concept of reincarnation. This workshop will examine the results of research that has looked into the nature of our existence in between those physical lives. Do we continue to exist and function when we are not in a physical body? Do we make deliberate plans for our next physical incarnation? Does our science of physics explain how such an existence could work? Come explore this topic with a co-author of the best-selling book, Memories of the Afterlife, our own Jimmy Quast. For more information and registration details: Visit or contact the office at 410-819-3395
Healing Oils of Ancient Times with Robin Coventry
Monday, 11/11 6:00 P–8:00 P
Ancient Oils were used for anointing and for healing. Learn about the twelve principal oils of ancient times and a recipe for a special anointing oil. Discover the many references made to oils in the ancient cultures. Essential oils have been used for religious rituals, the treatment of illness and other physical and spiritual needs. For more information and registration details: Visit or contact the office at 410-819-3395
Feng Shui: Plain and Simple with Lainie Wrightson
Wednesday, 11/13 7:30 P–9:30 P
Whether you are a new or seasoned student of Feng Shui this practical and informative lecture will open your eyes and minds to the benefits this ancient practice offers. By balancing the elements (fire, earth, metal, water, and wood) in the surroundings with the use of color, sound, shape, texture, art, furniture, lighting, landscaping, etc. a positive space can be created that may enhance one’s moods and energy levels. This practical and informative lecture will open your eyes and minds to the benefits of the ancient practice of Feng Shui. For more information and registration details: Visit or contact the office at 410-819-3395
Just Shut Up… Hearing Aids for Couples with Constance Hope & Peter Hartjens
Saturday, 11/16 9:00 A – 12 P
A highly interactive workshop for men and women who wonder why their partners don’t ‘HEAR’ what they say and suspect that their partners might feel the same way about them. Come learn some new communication skills to get YOUR point across and really HEAR theirs. Join us in the conversation. Peter Hartjens and Constance Hope know what they are talking about. In addition, they also have a lot of experience in improving communication and listening skills while working with individuals as personal and executive coaches and with groups through listening and communication workshops that they have run for business and government clients. For more information and registration details: Visit or contact the office at 410-819-3395
Energy Healing Basics with Marilyn Witkowski
Sunday, 11/17 12 P-4:00 P
Students will have an opportunity to receive and give an Energy Healing treatment. We will also explore: Chakras: sensing location, filling, balancing, frequency, vibration and tone; Sensing energy fields; Auras: identifying yours and others; Grounding: how to and importance of; Brain balancing. Marilyn is an avid student and teacher of energy healing, metaphysics and spirituality. Marilyn has done in depth study of the chakras, body structure and body systems, especially the nervous system. For more information and registration details: Visit or contact the office at 410-819-3395
Glutton-Free Weight Loss Strategies & Tips for Men over 50… or Those Pushing It Peter Hartjens
Saturday 11/23 9:00A –12:00P
In the course of these fun filled three hours, participants will come to understand that what they want will learn the tenets of the famous St. Michaels Six Word Diet (Eat Less, Drink Less, Move More) and get a lot of practical tips on how to get there from here. For more information and registration details: Visit or contact the office at 410-819-3395
Reiki I with Dell St. Ana
Sunday, 12/8 10:30–4:30 P (December 8th)
This day–long workshop will provide you with everything you need to become a Reiki practitioner. You will learn the history of Reiki, basic physical and energy anatomy, and the hand positions used to give a complete Reiki treatment to yourself and others. You will also receive the attunements that establish you as a channel for healing. Upon successful completion of the course, you will be given a personalized certificate that verifies your training and qualifies you to practice Reiki. If you are repeating this class, please contact Dell at (410) 822–3722 for tuition discount information. Please bring a bag lunch. For more information and registration details: Visit or contact the office at 410-819-3395
Other Community Events Meeting Monthly At Evergreen:
MEN’S GROUP Thursdays 7:30–9:00 A Every Thursday morning
Second Friday 6:00 P–8:00 P Meaningful Conversations for everyone. Breaking of bread and informal conversations about values, hopes, concerns, and the shape of the planet. Bring snacks and your choice of beverage. For more information and registration details: Visit or contact the office at 410-819-3395
Fourth Friday, 6:00 P–8:00 P Date to be announced. Ladies night out! Bring a bottle of wine, chocolate and copies of a quote to share. For more information and registration details: Visit or contact the office at 410-819-3395