Our most personal firsthand experiences can often be the impetus behind our philanthropic giving. Such was the case with the owners of Willow Construction, who recently became founding members of the For All Seasons Leadership Circle. Mike Hiner, President, and Andy Cheezum, Vice President, both had experiences in the past with family members having anxiety and realize the extent of the mental health needs in our community.
“Mental health struggles are important issues that families face, and time is of the essence in seeking treatment. I experienced this firsthand in dealing with this in my own family,” comments Hiner.
“As parents, we often think we can deal with challenges when they come up, but sometimes, we need help. Talking to other parents and becoming more aware of mental health issues here, our company realized the urgency of these needs in our community for mental health services, especially since the pandemic and among our youth,” adds Cheezum.
While Willow Construction has been a donor to For All Seasons in the past, it wasn’t until recently that the business increased its commitment to investing in the agency’s mission and reach on the Mid-Shore. First, through a 2020 renovation project of For All Seasons headquarters building on Talbot Street, where they offered their services at a reduced cost. And most recently, this summer, when Cheezum attended an event where President/CEO Beth Anne Langrell shared For All Seasons’ role in building community resilience.
“We admire Beth Anne’s ability to share the organization’s vision for a healthy community as a whole and the organization’s leadership in finding solutions for our community issues. That night, her talk struck a chord with me, and the business decided to commit to a matching gift for this year, making us a Leadership Circle founding member,” Cheezum states.
Tithing has always been at the core of Willow Construction’s business philosophy and they have supported a number of local nonprofits – mostly with a focus on youth-oriented giving.
Hiner adds, “Willow Construction has built its reputation on more than 48 years of leadership and outstanding service. We’re also proud to be actively engaged in our community, supporting a variety of local causes. We have contributed our time, funding, and materials to building neighborhood relationships and fostering community fellowship.”
“This year, we have been particularly blessed with work, despite the pandemic, and we wanted to share these blessings with For All Seasons.”
“We are thrilled to have Willow Construction as a Leadership Circle founding member and as a business partner. They continue to recognize the importance of mental health services in our community and have stepped up in significant ways to help us in meeting the needs that exist today,” comments Beth Anne Langrell, President/CEO.
For All Seasons’ Leadership Circle is comprised of an exceptional group of individuals and leaders in the business community who give generously and lend their talents, expertise, and connections to the forward momentum of the agency. Members of the Circle are critical partners in For All Seasons’ life-saving work, playing an instrumental role in building the agency’s capacity to meet the demands of the current mental health crisis. Entrance to the Leadership Circle begins with contributions of $10,000 per year and extends into more significant, six-figure gifts. Multi-year commitments are especially impactful for the agency.
For further information on supporting For All Seasons, contact Lauren Weber, Vice President of Philanthropy and Education, at lweber@forallseasonsinc.org or call 410-822-1018.