The show, which was held from July 19th through Sunday the 21st in the Crystal Ballroom of the Tidewater Inn, is a component of Plein Air Easton. All artists must either maintain residence in the Delmarva Peninsula, or are WAF members in good standing.
The art was judged by Tim Bell, Grand Prize Winner of Plein Air Easton 2018.
Best in Show was awarded to Sheryl Southwick for her painting “Sycamore”. Awards of Excellence went to Debra Howard for “Big Cypress Morning”; Carole Boggemann-Peirson for “Touched”; and Jim Rehak for “Pasture”.
Honorable Mentions were given to Barbara Zuehlke for “Soft Crab Shack”; Carol Cowie for “Follow the Sun”; and Kathy Kopec for “Black Water Refuge”.
For more information on Local Color and the WAF, visit www.workingartistsforum.com