Queen Anne’s BNI Chapter Supports Adopt-A-Bear Program

The Queen Anne’s Chapter of Business Networking International (BNI) gathered toys to support the local Adopt-A-bear Program helping local families celebrate the holidays.

BNI is a business and professional networking organization that offers members the opportunity to share ideas, contacts and, most importantly, referrals. There are over 3000 chapters of BNI worldwide including 85 chapters in Maryland, making BNI the world’s largest professional networking organization. BNI’s Philosophy is Givers Gain – What goes around comes around! Through this mutual support system, members help each other generate business by providing each other referrals. The Chapter meets at Ram’s Head Shore House on Main Street in Stevensville from 7:15 – 9:00 am. We invite the local business community to visit our local chapter to learn about the benefits of BNI membership and how it can positively affect your business.

For more information contact Eileen at 410-827-7417 or 443-988-8075