Washington College Closer to Deal for Board of Education Property

The old Board of Education building has been sold to the only bidder. The commissioners accepted Washington College’s offer for 215 Washington Avenue. In a unanimous decision the commissioners chose Option I. According to the bid package, the college would pay $1,850,000 for the property with $850,000 of that in cash over a four year period; $250,000 in year one and $200,000 each year for the next three years. The college would also set aside $1 million in Commissioners Scholarships. Each $12,500 scholarship would be awarded to graduates of Kent County High School attending Washington College over the next ten years.

The field behind the building would be left as open space and used as an additional sports field. As long as the college is not using the field it would be open to the public, similar to the arrangement used for the Lelia Hynson Pavilion in Wilmer Park.

While the bid has been accepted the transaction is not final. The sale of the property is dependent upon certain conditions that can only be met by the town. The college would like the property to be rezoned Institutional, and the Chestertown Historic District Commission, the planning commission, and the appeals board would grant a demolition permit for the existing building, with the exception of the front facade of the original structure.

The college plans to use the property for additional classroom and administrative office space. The sale of 215 Washington Ave. will help cover some of the cost of the Kent County Public School consolidation and relocation.